Sigma Theta Tau International Kappa Eta Chapter

Bits and pieces


How would you like to see a Birthday List, an Anniversary date, etc.,here?

Don't worry about the Birthday year---- just the month and date will be fine.

If you want to see your name or even a  STTI nurse friend's name published here, we'll make it happen and celebrate your occasion. Just send me an Email with the information and I'll get it on the website. (

Your Web site editor,



Here's a Birthday Starter (Reminder, if you want to see your Name and Birthday date in lights, just let me know, and we'll put it here in lights) "

Dr. Patricia Joffe            April 7th

Pat Bryan                        September 4th

Wendy Watson               November 3rd

Joann Domanico           June 24th

Bridget James               August 8th

Dr. Gloria Boseman      June 29th

Rosemary Boyle           April 23rd



Red Yellow and Green Ballons
Home | New activities | Senior Awards Reception ---2008 | Bits and pieces | Our Purpose | News and Review | Becoming a Member of Sigma Theta Tau International | Chapter Officer and Committee List | Sharing the Knowledge | SPECIAL EVENTS | Sharing the Experience | Calendar of Events | Members Page | Biennial Convention.....Indianapolis, Indiana | and now....... your Delegates! | Special People....Special Times | News from the Chapter | Spring Induction...2009 | Nursing Honor Society New Inductees - 2009 | NJCU Graduation 2010 | Links | STTI Leadership Activities | Contact Us

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